Friday, September 7, 2012

Furious Jorge

This completed my trilogy of twisted children's book parodies. I was going to make a second part where Jorge mauls the lady, and the man with the yellow hat has to shoot him. But then I got sort of disgusted with myself because this was created shortly after that lady lost her face in a chimp attack.

Curious George parody
Drawing an angry Curious George face was a little tough because he literally never expresses that emotion in the books. Otherwise, I think I did H.A. Rey proud.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Magical School Bus

Another old children's book parody that I finally got around to coloring.

Magic School Bus parody

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Clifton, the Big Dead Dog

This is three years old but I just now finally colored it. Coincidentally, my beloved dog, Molly, died the same week I drew this. I miss her with all my heart. Please share this comic with a young child.